What is Unshaven Hair Transplantation?
Unshaven Hair Transplantation is a hair transplantation method that is applied by shaving only the donor area without shaving the front, side and upper parts of the hair. In short, it is the method used when the person wants to protect his/her appearance in hair transplantation method. In this method, which is generally requested by long-haired women and men, it is not obvious that it was shaved after hair transplantation, since the shaved area in the donor area will camouflage the hairy area on the top. First of all, this planning is done by the specialist physician before starting the operation.
Although unshaven hair transplantation is generally performed with the DHI Hair Transplantation method, it can also be performed using the FUE method.
Who Can Have Unshaven Hair Transplant?
The most important factor and accessory in the appearance of people is their hair. Therefore, every individual pays due attention to their hair in front of the mirror before they mix into society on a daily basis. On the other hand, hair is very important to avoid psychological problems and lack of self-confidence.
People who need hair transplantation prefer hair transplantation methods without getting away from daily life as much as possible. In other words, it is the unshaven hair transplant method, which is the most suitable hair transplant method. For this reason, anyone who is deemed appropriate by the specialist can choose an unshaven hair transplant method.

How is Unshaved Hair Transplant Performed?
When the unshaven hair transplant method is mentioned, questions may come to mind about how it will be. Since it will vary according to the method, the operation can be performed in two ways.
Partially Shaved Hair Transplant;
First of all, it is necessary to meet a number of criteria for the application of this method. If the person to be transplanted needs an operation with 4000 grafts, unshaven hair transplantation will not be the right method. Therefore, the donor area of the person is partially shaved and the hair transplantation process is started.
Shaving is planned to the area determined as the donor area. Afterwards, the area between the two ears at the back of the head is shaved in the form of a horizontal rectangle. Since the long hair on the upper part will cover this shaved area, the shaved area will not be visible after the operation. Only by shaving the donor area and taking grafts between 1000 and 2800, the operation is started for the person with long hair.
The operation, which is partially shaved, is performed with the Sapphire Fue technique.
• The person who has a hair transplant using this method can maintain the previous hair shape and length after the operation.
• Since the hair transplant operation will be hidden with long hair, it can return to its normal life in a very short time.
• Since the number of grafts transplanted with this operation is less, the recovery period is much shorter.
• The crusting caused by the grafts taken from the donor area will not be visible as it will be covered with long hair in the area.
• Your hair must be long for the operation to be performed.
• Since the donor area will be limited, the number of grafts taken in a single session will be less.
• If the opening in the area to be planted is large, more than one session will be needed. There should be 6 months between each session.
• Since a special area is needed, the difficulty of operation will increase. As a result, the operating cost will increase.
Hair Transplantation without Shaving;
This method immediately attracts attention for people who want to have transplantation. However, in order to apply this method, up to 1000 grafts can be used first. In addition, the person’s hair should be sparse, open between them and planting in a small area should be expected. The feature that distinguishes the completely unshaven hair transplant method from others is that the graft is taken with a semi-open cylindrical needle. These needles are 0.7-0.95 mm in diameter and the tip can be rotated by the physician. Afterwards, the hair root is taken in from the open-ended side of the needle and rotated so that the incision reaches 360 degrees. After this stage, the hair can be planted as long, between the sparse hairs with DHI tips. The most important thing is that even if the hair is transplanted as long, shock shedding is experienced and it grows back.
• The hair of the person who will have transplantation is not shaved.
• In this planting method, it is important that the hair is long, but it does not need to be 6-7 cm. This transplant operation can also be performed in people with shorter hair.
• Since the hair to be transplanted is taken from among the other hairs, the graft areas will not be evident.
• Since very few grafts will be used during the operation, the healing process will take place very quickly.
• The number of hair follicles to be taken in a single session is less than the Fue method.
• After the operation, shock shedding will be seen as in other transplantations.
• The operation process is a longer method.
• Cost increase will be seen due to the difficulty and duration of planting.