What is Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?
Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation is the most used hair transplant technique today. With the development of technology, it is a method that has brought innovations in hair transplantation methods and treatments against hair loss. Especially with the further development of the materials used in hair transplantation, hair transplantation operations have made very high progress.
The FUE method has recently been seen among the most advanced hair transplantation techniques. For this reason, the success achieved by the FUE method is increasing day by day. With the sapphire tips used in the Sapphire Fue method, the positive results in hair transplantation have been taken one step further.
Fue hair transplantation method is one of the globally accepted hair transplantation methods. Most importantly, it has carried its development and comfort forward thanks to its sapphire tip technology. The advantage of sapphire tips is that they are sharp and less damaging to tissue. Thanks to this, it gives a much faster healing process and a more natural appearance.
Metal slits are the preferred tips in the classical FUE method of grooving in the operation process. These nibs have been replaced by nibs made of sapphire, a precious metal. To summarize, the difference between the Sapphire Fue method and the classical Fue method is the tips used.
What are the Advantages of Sapphire Hair Transplantation?
Sapphire hair transplantation allows hair transplantation to more dense areas thanks to its sharp ends. Therefore, it is an advanced FUE method that gives more natural results. Planting the graft in the best way possible is one of the important factors that show success in hair transplantation. The hair to be transplanted into the open area should appear dense. In addition, hair transplantation should look so natural that it cannot be noticed.
The opened micro channels take the hair follicles collected from the donor area to the next level by obtaining maximum volume in the area to be transplanted. Tissues gain a natural appearance with a healthier and faster healing process. As a result, this is achieved with the Sapphire FUE method.

How is Sapphire Hair Transplantation Applied and Why is Sapphire Hair Transplantation Important?

Innovation studies in the field of hair transplantation are gaining momentum day by day. For this reason, with the increase in aesthetic concerns, studies in this field have intensified. During the hair transplantation process, the hair tissue should be made to receive the least damage. Therefore, sapphire fue method is used for faster healing process and natural appearance.

In the Sapphire Fue method, the hair follicles to be transplanted are first taken from the donor area using a micro motor. The micro motor allows more grafts to be taken in a much shorter time compared to conventional operations. Therefore, much healthier and more natural results are achieved in sapphire hair transplantation. This process is also called “Micro FUE hair transplantation” method.

The root removal process is completed. Afterwards, channels are opened at the desired angle, direction and frequency with sapphire blade tips by specialist doctors. The most important is this process in the sapphire fue method.

After the opening of the channels, the planting process begins. At this stage, the hair follicles taken from the donor area are transferred into channels carefully opened by specialist doctors using sapphire blade tips. Thus, the transplantation stages of sapphire hair transplantation are completed. The damage to the tissue by sapphire blades during the grooving process is very low. In this way, the healing process is shortened in the sapphire fue hair transplant method. Wound and infection risks in the healing process are much less with this method.

Comparison of FUE Hair Transplant with Sapphire Tip and Metal Slit
Sapphire blades produced from natural mineral are used instead of metal slit tips in the grooving process of hair transplantation. In short, it is an innovation of the sapphire technique in which sapphire tips are used instead of slit tips. Thanks to the Sapphire FUE method, much smaller micro-channels are opened to the area where the hair follicles collected from the donor area will be transplanted, thereby accelerating the healing process.
In this method, hair follicles are taken under local anesthesia. With a micro motor, the diameters of 0.6-0.7 and 8 mm are taken one by one from the area to be collected with micro tips. Afterwards, the collected hair follicles are planted in the opened micro channels. These channels greatly influence the appearance. The angle, direction and frequency of the cuts in which the hair follicles will be transplanted are of great importance. Most importantly, the healthy and proper opening of the channels is of great importance in the success of the operation.
Micro channels where hair follicles will be transplanted can be opened with the healthiest sapphire tips today. The channels where the hair follicles will be transplanted are opened with sharp and durable sapphire tips between 1.0-1.3 and 1.5 mm. In addition, it affects the number of channels opened in the size of the hair follicle and the frequency of the areas to be planted. It should not be aimed to open too many channels and too many channels during the process. Instead, it is important to open channels close to the natural hair and at the right angles.
Advantages of Sapphire FUE Transplantation Compared to Classical FUE Transplantation:
- 1. The advantages of sapphire tips such as anti-bacterial, hard, highly sharp smooth surface and long-term durability ensure less vibration during the trenching process. Thus, the risk of infection is minimized and less damage to the tissue is ensured,
2. Thanks to these tips, more intensive planting can be done compared to the Classic FUE method, and this allows it to be used in patients with advanced hair loss.
3. A much more natural appearance is obtained thanks to the denser planting of the grafts, the density of the hair and the roots planted at the right angle.
4. Compared to the classical FUE method, less fluid is injected under the skin, making it easier to open micro channels.
5. Since the rate of edema and allergy after the operation will be much less, it provides a more comfortable recovery period for the patients.
6. Since the channels opened with Sapphire Fue are much smaller, the healing process will be much faster compared to classical FUE.
7. Since the hair follicles are opened at angles suitable for your own hair structure, they are planted at the most natural angle and a natural appearance is achieved after the operation.
PAIN-FREE Method in Hair Transplantation!
With the sedation applied by anesthesiologists, even local anesthesia procedures before hair transplantation are no longer felt. In this way, the patient is provided with a comfortable, painless and painless hair transplant operation. Although hair transplantation procedures are not very painful, they are more comfortable for individuals who are afraid of needles. Therefore, the level of pain is reduced to almost zero. Sedation is a sleep level that can be adjusted according to the individual, in which all reflexes are preserved with sedative drugs. As a result, sedation is a method that can be used even in children and reduces the pain level to almost zero in hair transplantation. First of all, the use of sedation is completely left to the preference of the person.