Who Is Painless Hair Transplantation Technique Suitable For?

Painless hair transplantation is one of the first thoughts that come to minds of people who want to have a hair transplant. Today, hair loss is considered as a direct common problem of both men and women. It can reduce one’s self-confidence, especially when hair loss begins at an early age. There are certain hair transplantation techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which is a very effective solution for people with hair loss problems. In addition, there are various techniques and methods in FUE hair transplantation. However, it is known that patients with needle problems stay away from hair transplantation procedures. Today, thanks to needle-free hair transplantation techniques, hair transplantation operation is possible for these patients.

Hair transplantation is an operation that is usually performed using local anesthesia. Naturally, the following questions come to mind:

Is Painless Hair Transplant Possible? Is Hair Transplantation a Painful Process?

As a result, hair transplantation operations require a surgical intervention to collect and transplant hair. What is the impact of these interventions?

Before answering all these questions, it is necessary to talk about the stages of hair transplantation.

Hair Transplant Stages:

Hair transplantation basically consists of four stages. These are:

1. Applying local anesthesia (The only and most important point of hair transplantation where you will feel pain)

2. Hair collection

3. Opening the channels (in the DHI method, this stage is combined with the next stage)

4. Transplantation of hair (Local anesthesia is applied beforehand)

Local Anesthesia in Hair Transplantation

This stage is the focus of the painless hair transplant process. It is necessary to collect the hair follicles, cut and separate the very thin skin around the hair with the help of a micro-motor. Anesthesia should be applied before this procedure.

Since there will be a loss of sensation in the area where anesthesia is applied, pain is not felt. Therefore, we can say that hair transplantation is a painless procedure.

The moment when the feeling of pain can be experienced is the moment of anesthesia. The fact that the local anesthesia application process is also painless can be described as ‘painless’ hair transplantation. Although needle anesthesia continues to be used, there are new methods applied to eliminate the pain caused by this technique. These:


Needle Free / Local anesthesia with pressure

It has been developed to reduce the feeling of pain in needle anesthesia procedures. It is done with a device that can inject the anesthetic substance into the skin with pressure. This device is brought into contact with the skin and leaves the fluid anesthetic substance on the skin with the high pressure inside. Anesthesia is then administered with a needle.

In fact, this first applied anesthetic substance does not distribute homogeneously on the skin and may not affect subcutaneously. Pain may be felt again in the application of needle anesthesia to be performed afterwards.


Local anesthesia with sedation

We can define sedation as one of the most advanced and important conveniences in the field of medical anesthesia, which is actually applied even in children. The sedation application describes the transfer of the pain reliever (analgesic active substance) to the body in the appropriate dose by opening the vascular access to the individual. Thus, no pain is felt during the procedure, as in needles or other medical interventions. In this application, the consciousness of the person remains open, but the sensitivity to pain decreases.

It is important to have a specialist anesthesiologist in sedation application. Because the dose of sedation to be applied is calculated by the doctor according to the physical structure and values ​​of the individual.


Hair Gathering

The hair is collected by separating it from the skin with cylindrical incisions with the help of a micro-motor. Here, the tip diameter of the micro motor is at least 0.6 mm, it is related to the thickness of the patient’s hair and whether there are single or multiple grafts. Hair is collected with cylindrical needles called punch up to 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.00 mm.


Opening Channels

The channels are usually opened with metal slits or later developed sapphire tips to place the hair follicles collected for hair transplantation. Sapphire tips are smoother and cause less damage to the skin. The grooving step is one of the most important processes that determine the quality of the operation. While opening the channels where the hair follicles will be transplanted, the angle and the direction in which the hair will be transplanted are very important and should be carefully determined. In this way, a natural-looking healthy planting can be achieved.

With the implanter used in the DHI method, hair follicles can be placed without the need for channel opening.


Hair Transplant

The hair is placed in the opened channels. Here it is important that the channels are opened in the right direction. If there are no correct canal directions, it is difficult for the transplanted roots to have a natural appearance. Another critical point in this step is which of the opened channels will be planted with single grafts and which with multiple grafts. The basic principle here is to plant single grafts in the front rows. Thanks to these sensitive processes, natural appearance and lush hair can be achieved more easily.

Painless Hair Transplant Prices

Hair transplant prices are determined after the preliminary examination. You can get detailed information about the price of hair transplantation after passing the specialist doctor’s control in the preliminary examination, as different prices occur according to different needs, hair structure and the area to be transplanted. Also, to get detailed information about our hair transplant service and hair transplant with Sapphire Percutaneous Method; You can reach our specialists by phone, if you want, you can leave your phone number via the contact form and let us reach you.