What is Eyebrow Transplantation?

Eyebrow transplantation is one of the treatment methods preferred by women. Eyebrows, which play an active role in the facial beauty of a person, directly affect the physical image. Since eyebrows are taken regularly in women, a condition called madarosis occurs in their eyebrows. Eyebrows that have lost their thickness and volume can reach their former volume and thickness with eyebrow transplantation treatment.

Eyebrow loss can also occur due to traumas, burns and accidents. For these people, eyebrow transplantation can be applied successfully.

How Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

Eyebrow Transplantation is performed with the FUE technique used in hair transplantation. The procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, can take 3-4 hours. Usually, roots are taken from the nape as the donor area. In order to achieve the natural appearance, the roots taken should be transplanted to the area to be planted in the right direction and at the appropriate angle. Hair grows at an angle of 45 degrees. In eyebrows, this angle is 10-15 degrees. For this reason, it is necessary to be very careful when opening the canal during planting. How many grafts will be used for eyebrow transplantation depends on the hair structure and the sparseness of the transplantation area. It is much more beneficial to have this operation performed by very experienced specialists.

Eyebrow transplantation can be done with the FUE technique as well as the DHI method. As a result, consultation and analysis by the specialist physician play a role in determining the method to be used.

Eyebrow Transplantation Stages

In the consultation phase, which is considered as the most important step of the operation, the eyebrow design is made by the specialist doctor, taking into account the person’s facial features and their wishes.

In the eyebrow transplant operation, which does not require shaving the entire hair, a very small donor area is shaved and the roots are collected after local anesthesia and kept in the solution for transplanting. In the collected roots, only the roots with a single hair are collected. This helps to have a more aesthetic appearance in the eyebrows. Since the shaved area will be covered with other hair, the person can return to his normal life very quickly.

It is the process of collecting hair follicles with the FUE engine of the donor area determined in the person. In this method, where each Follicular Unit is taken one by one, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be transplanted in operations performed with a much more DHI technique compared to the old technology. Hair follicles are transplanted with Choi implanter at the appropriate angle and in the right direction. It is the Micro Motor FUE method. It also allows more grafts to be taken and roots are taken from the person quickly in a single session.

What is the Post-Eyebrow Transplantation Process?

After the eyebrow transplant operation, the person comes to the clinic the next day and the dressing is done. Afterwards, with the dressing process, the hair follicles are attached to the skin and complications are prevented.

After dressing and washing, the person is informed about how to wash their eyebrows for 10 days. After 10 days, the person comes back to the clinic and is checked. A final wash is done to completely remove the crusts. Therefore, after the procedure, the eyebrow roots are provided with oxygen. As of the 3rd month, the transplanted eyebrows begin to grow in a healthy way and become specific. After 12 months, a clear eyebrow form is achieved.

You can contact us for more detailed information about eyebrow transplantation performed in our clinic.